Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pity Party is officially over...

After I aired my pathetic birthday woes to the public, I received an e-card from a dear friend and this is what she wrote:

" Hope you had a wonderful day and wishing you a joyous year! Don't fret turning 45 as I've recently learned just being around for another year is exciting by itself :)"

Why this is so pertinent, is that she has cancer and was given 3-6 months to live....last year. What the f*#k was I belly-aching about?! Her single sentence put it all in perspective for me.


Anonymous said...


Kathie Reid-Bevington said...

yup...sigh and wow.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry!!!!

Reese's Space said...

I'm sorry that you felt me I am not fond of the thought of turning 30 in a few years, but Marion is right...we live to see another day and she is here to live it with us though miles and in my case, states apart. Give her my love and I send best wishes and healing vibes her way. I love ya ma.
