Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another year recap....

Every year, I make a New Years' Resolutions.....tone my abs, tone my triceps, tone my rear, tone down my eating, tone up my hair color, eat less processed foods, stop at all 'stop' signs, paint my living room, race smart and get on the podium, and the list goes on. I have kept some of these Resolutions:

toned my abs
toned my triceps
genetics did not allow me to tone my rear
toned up my hair color--it's darker now
I eat about the same amount of processed foods
I come to a 100% stop at all stop signs
Jimmy will not allow any color except eggshell white on the walls
I raced several smart races and got on the podium several times

With this being said, I do not know what my Resolution is going to be this year. There are so many things I want to do, accomplish, and experience this year; I do not know if I should "Just Do It" (sorry Nike, I just stole your 1989 motto) or should it be a Resolution?

Either way, I have my health, a great family and a wonderful job. Do I really need to paint my walls or have a firm rear to make it a successful year?

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