Monday, March 26, 2007

Wholy Guacamole!

I am the epitome of the computer dork....I know so little about these things. So, it seems funny that I wanted to create my own blog.

Step #1: Where in the heck do I begin? Turning to teammate and veteran blogger, Flandria, she gave me the website to get started.

Step #2: Now, that I've chosen my template, I am ready to get typing. So far, it's simple simon.

Step #3: Consider this an intro to my blog and as I learn how to add pics and stuff, it'll become more interesting.

My plan is to post alot of my racing stuff, pics of my pets and family. I suppose that is what most blog sites consist of, but you will see, that my racing stuff is super exciting, my pets are uber cute and my family quite interesting. Until then, the only pic I can offer is of Jimmy and I. Since he is an intrique part of my life, it makes sense that I would drag him into blog-cyberspace with me.

I'll post more once I learn how to........


Anonymous said...

denise! you are just too cute!

let me know if you need help, email me anytime but I think you are doing really good already!

looking forward to reading your blog...:-)

Unknown said...

denise! your husband is just too cute!

Bridgit said...

Wow, where do you find the time? Is this how much time kids suck right out of your day? I mean you have two jobs go to school...and blog. I had to lock myself in my room just so that I could get two minuts for myself so I could write this. And my time is up, kids screaming...bye

Marion said...

Ok, So I followed the instructions on how to post and somehow ended up creating my own blog...appropiately named, "What the?" as I have not idea how I arrived at that location! You are now my new hero and give hope to this computer dork that I just might be able follow through in creating a blog! Yours looks awesome! Thanks for sharing..

Brent said...

blogger nation.
You will be consumed.

Unknown said...

WOW! You look that same. I miss you. Those long bike rides. You site is cool!