Saturday, April 26, 2008

What the.....?!

I just finished an awesome ride and was driving home, when I stopped at a red light. This guy rolls up on his yellow LeMond across from me. He immediately caught my eye.....and not in a good way.

He was about 30-years old, no socks, no jersey, no helmet, no water bottle, no fanny pack for supplies, BUT he did have yellow spandex/lycra riding shorts on, apparently to match his LeMond, because there is no other reason in this entire world why someone would purchase yellow shorts.

The light changed and he hunched over into his aerobars, with buckets of sweat running down onto the asphalt--it is almost 90 degrees today. As he rolled past me, I witnesses his mini-man boobs in the inverted tee-pee position and his shorts pulled up to the middle of his back. Gag me with a spoon.

As we know, I am not Style Man, but this was a cycling atrocity that no citizen should have to witness.


Kathie Reid-Bevington said...

Kripes! And I'm leaving all the gorgeous biker-man-candy here in Colorado to come back to that?!!! What am I thinking?!!!

Reese's Space said...

LMFAO...Mom, I swear. That is just one of the MANY reasons why I haven't came back to live in Fresno for how long now? (That and the vibe is totally different...) But yea, I would half expect that if Dad saw that, he'd gag then call the guy on it. Maybe even give him the shirt that is on his back right boobs..about that.

Anonymous said...

Pat calls them Monkey Tits.

marscat said...

i don't think it's fair that men with bigger boobs than I have can go topless...

um not that i want to but i should be able to if i did...

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

yellow shorts = santa cruz banana slugs = oops!